Day of Atonement Bookmarks

What is Yom Kippur? –

Teaching on Jonah –

Gospel song “Are You Ready?”

Extreme Diet and Autoimmune Disease

This video below is particularly interesting, considering the juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in my family. This lady had 37 affected joints, an ankle replacement in her teen years, and more. She found a way to help herself and get off the myriad of drugs. Take a look!

I’ve noticed this year that depression and panic attacks get rough after eating a high ratio of gluten. It’s a known trigger for hypothyroidism, as well. Currently, I am eleven days gluten free, and, in a week or two, I will make another attempt at adding it back again. GRADUALLY this time!

The food sensitivity and autoimmune disease explosion these days is uncanny. Multiple industries seem designed to keep the mass populace sterile, sick, dependent, and ignorant about it all.

Ranger Rolling – a Tip for Moms

So, you’ve been there. You just finished neatly folding a load of laundry, turned your head, turned back, and found a sweet little one had jumbled or thrown your stacks into piles again.

How about a “folding” method that keeps clothes neat, even if you throw them across the room against a wall? That takes more work for a child to pull apart? And it saves drawer space?

Check out all these Ranger Rolling videos! Army Rangers pack their clothes neatly and tightly in a manner that doesn’t jumble easily. At first, I checked this out so I could learn how to keep the tent tidy this Sukkot; I may use this year round, too!



